
Office: 207-772-6515
Mobile: 207-632-5756 
Fax: 207-775-0478

Operations Management

Sean Petty

Operations Manager (Portland)
Sean Petty started his career with Moran Shipping Agencies in 1999 in the Portland,ME office as a boarding agent. As a native of the Portland area, Sean's knowledge of the port and its surroundings made his transition into the agency business a success. Upon graduating high school in 1994, Sean explored an array of directions. Sean ended up on the docks of the international Marine Terminal as part of the operations crew for the local ferry that ran from Nova Scotia, Canada to Portland, ME. He assisted with the turnaround aspects of the daily port of call. From here he moved into the Chandlery business supplying vessels in the ports of Maine and NH; this started his working relations with the Moran Portland office.

In May 1999 he joined the Moran Team as a boarding agent and became well respected within the working waterfront. After four years of in-depth exposure to all aspects of the agency business, Sean was promoted to Operations Manager of the Portland office in 2002. He is responsible for all agency matters in the ports of Searsport, Bucksport, Bar Harbor, Portland ME, and Portsmouth NH. Sean is there to assist all matters with regards to the agency business in all ports his office represents and others. Sean is an active member of the Portland Propeller Club and since has been re-elected to its Board of Governors.